If You Want To Save Money – Get An Iron Skillet

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One way you can save money is to buy an iron skillet. It will be the last skillet you will ever need to buy.  They are nonstick, great for even cooking and frugal. If you want to save money, get an iron skillet.

If you want to save money, get an iron skillet.

Do you Love cooking in nonstick skillets? Me too!

Do you hate the peeling that starts after you use a Teflon type coated nonstick skillet for a while?  Me too!

Do you hate worrying about the chemicals that are in that peeling coating? Me too.

Iron skillets have been around for generations and the same iron skillet your grandma used can still be used today.

What’s the answer? Invest in an iron skillet. I know what you’re thinking….. those are so hard to clean. I hear that almost every time I tell someone they need an iron skillet. When they are seasoned and cleaned right, they are super easy to keep clean. Iron skillets have also been around for generations and the same iron skillet your grandma used can still be used today.

They can be bought brand new from many stores from the local farm supply store, the sports and hunting stores, Wal-Mart and of course Amazon. Iron skillets can also be found at second hand stores, flea markets and yard sales. No matter what it looks like it can be rescued even if it’s baked on, caked on, or rusty…. it can be saved!

There are many tutorials out there to show you how to clean an old iron skillet. I have an old iron skillet that I rescued with a little elbow grease. It was a gift and I was determined to make it beautiful again.

I chose a hot sunny day to do this so the heat from the sun could help the oven cleaner eat the grime off. After putting on rubber gloves, I sprayed the ENTIRE skillet with oven cleaner, then placed it in a trash bag and tied it closed. I left it to set in the sun for about 6-8 hours. Then I removed the skillet from the bag, washed it in hot soapy water, and used a Brillo pad to remove any stubborn crud. If there is still a lot of baked on crud you can repeat the same process of spraying with oven cleaner, putting in a trash bag for 6-8 hours, and washing in hot soapy water.

Once you have a clean iron skillet it needs to be seasoned to create the nonstick surface.

Once you have a clean iron skillet it needs to be seasoned to create the nonstick surface.  To season your iron skillet place the clean skillet in the cold oven.  Turn the oven on and heat to 250 to open the pores in the iron. After 10 minutes remove the skillet and rub it inside and outside with Crisco or coconut oil.  Be careful it will be very hot.  Put the skillet back in the oven for 2 hours.  Turn the oven off and leave the skillet in there until it’s completely cool.  Remove the cooled skillet and wipe any excess grease with paper towels.  Your skillet is ready to use.

This is my favorite iron skillet. It’s the one I saved.

After you make your favorite fried chicken or best cornbread and you need to wash your iron skillet.  Don’t use dish soap. You don’t want to strip the seasoning from you iron skillet.  I wash mine with a plastic dish scrubber or a nylon dish scrub brush and hot water.  There shouldn’t be stuck on food, but if there is let the hot water set in it for a few minutes and then scrub.  Dry the skillet well.  I set mine on a stove top burner on low heat for a minute or two just to make sure it’s good and dry.  Let cool completely before putting away. It’s ready to cook your next great meal.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you come back soon!


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